Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Boys Talking Dirty To Boys Why Do Young Boys Think About Dirty Things ?

Why do young boys think about dirty things ? - boys talking dirty to boys

I am 14 and all the children in my school always with girls about sex and things like that I do not understand why someone explain to us that girls can?


Oyster McNuggets said...

Because children develop at different rates than girls. They have all kinds of hormones and testosterone, the crosses, which makes your body want sex and things all the time.

Takeit not personal. Girls are not into these things for later .. Have a look your opinion in the intellectual development, first, and I doind body .. heh, even if he remained until the kids are like 20 years.

Good luck, hope that helps everyone.

Oyster McNuggets said...

Because children develop at different rates than girls. They have all kinds of hormones and testosterone, the crosses, which makes your body want sex and things all the time.

Takeit not personal. Girls are not into these things for later .. Have a look your opinion in the intellectual development, first, and I doind body .. heh, even if he remained until the kids are like 20 years.

Good luck, hope that helps everyone.

=)BS(= said...

I At this age, children have to struggle a bit to see what is done since the first year. Still Arent, are the boys to become pregnant. And at the end of the day they reach the age of 16 years. I know that my current boyfriend think lost his virginity when he was 15, so that I am the only thing they have to do too.

Pink said...

Because the young are, and they havent fully developed brain. It's like you hear it, but you do not know.

puppysyn... said...

Because they go through puberty and function in the brainstem and hormones.

Nathan said...

We can not help, hormones, and our dirty thoughts. yeyuh haha

Ark said...

One word: hormones.

slapdash said...

XD hormones in full swing.
I can not help myself lol

voss said...

We have dirtier than we are past or

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